


An MA program (usually 2 years) is probably right for you if...

  • 你对学术以外的职业道路感兴趣
  • you’re thinking about combining art history with another field (like conservation, 图书馆学、法律、商业等.)
  • you have many areas of interest and are not sure what you’d like to specialize in
  • you’re not ready to commit to more than 2 years of graduate study

Remember that successful completion of an MA will greatly improve your chances of 如果你决定继续攻读博士学位的话.
A PhD program (usually 5-6 years or more) is probably right for you if...

  • you’re committed to a career in academe (college teaching and scholarship, curator 在一个世界级的博物馆里)
  • you have a specific area of interest and feel able to undertake intensive, original 研究
  • you’re prepared for a considerable investment of time, money, and energy


The Following points are especially important if you’re looking at PhD programs, but 他们也会帮你找到合适的硕士项目.

艺术史研究生课程:CAA目录(2008).  A key resource that is kept outside the art history office.
找一个你想一起工作的人.  理想情况下,他/她应该是终身教授,活跃在 field, and well regarded as an advisor, and there should be some evidence that her/his 以前的学生都很成功.  Identify scholars whose work you admire; find out where they teach and whether their schools have graduate programs.  开始接触 by email (share your interests and ask a focused, intelligent question about their 计划或工作),如果可能的话会见他们.  让系主任让你进去 联系一下他/她现在的研究生.
考虑语言要求.  MA programs generally require the ability to read German; some require the ability to read two languages, generally German and 法国 or Italian. 几乎所有的博士课程 要求能够阅读德语、法语或意大利语.  取决于你的提议 学习领域,你可能还需要其他语言.  有些程序需要语言 exams during the first semester, others allow preparation time, and some provide or 基金语文课程.  找出你需要什么,什么时候需要,以及他们是否 会帮你得到它吗.
询问资金.  Some programs fund all graduate students with tuition and stipends, others require you to compete for limited funds, and many require you to teach in exchange for support.  Be realistic about your financial needs and the risks you’re willing to take.
询问教学.  Students in most graduate programs are encouraged (sometimes required) to teach (或协助教学)本科课程.  这是非常重要的经验 for those on a PhD track, but it can also get in the way of your scholarship.  问 火博体育机会和期望.
考虑资源.  Your work may benefit from access to particular museums, libraries, or archival 集合、商业场所或社区.  想想这个机构 and region you’re considering will be a stimulating place to begin your 研究.


An application usually includes a resume, statement, writing sample, undergraduate transcript, 3 letters of recommendation and GRE scores; you may wish to include other 证明特殊成就的材料.  不要发送相同的声明给 every program; tailor it to fit the strengths of each one.
按照好的写作规则来玩.  要专注、清晰、有条理.  确保语法,语法和拼写 是否正确,所有的材料看起来都很专业.
明确一个知识分子的立场.  Discuss specific scholarly interests and influences and explain how they developed.  Define the methodological approach(es) you find most compelling.  尤其是博士 applications, propose a direction for 研究 and show that you already have some 学科知识.  Be focused but realistic; don’t propose working in a field in which you have no experience or for which you have not begun language acquisition.  Choose a writing sample that demonstrates strong 研究 skills, critical thinking, and polished writing, and (if possible), that relates to your proposed specialization.
避免一概而论,专注于你的成就.  Assume that every applicant loves art and has good credentials.  专注于做什么 你特别有资格.  Discuss specific things you have done and address key aspects of the other materials in your application (resume, writing sample, etc.).
不要告诉他们已经知道的事情.  Don’t generalize about the merits of the program—they already know why they’re good!  Show that you’re a perfect match for them by discussing interests and goals that mesh 以他们的优势.  建议一个具体的工作方式 他们所在机构或地区的资源.
准备好你的推荐人.  Well in advance of the deadline, provide your recommenders with copies of your resume and application statement and information about deadlines and submission format.  If it has been a year or more since graduation, also provide an account of the courses you took with them, the work you did, and the grades you received.


我不确定你是否准备好读研究生了?  有很多事情你 can do to stay involved with the field and boost your credentials.

  • work at a museum or other art-related venue, even if only as a volunteer
  • take a German-for-reading course or one in another language you may need
  • polish your best undergraduate paper into a strong writing sample
  • become a member of the College Art Association or another professional organization
  • attend the annual conference of the CAA or other organization
  • 读!  stay abreast of new publications in the field and look for prospective mentors
  • stay in touch with your Skidmore professors—it will yield stronger recommendations!


在这里的时候和你的火博体育教授谈谈.  利用我们的经验, networks, and desire to help you find the path that’s right for you!