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Spring 2024 events: 

一个教师小组, "Multidisciplinary Legacies 和 Contemporary Resonances of Edward Said: Skidmore Scholars Weigh in on his Contributions," 将会继续 4月16日. This panel will discuss Edward Said, a Palestinian-American scholar & 激进的 具有里程碑意义的工作, 东方主义 (1978), forever reshaped conversations about power, culture, 和 representations “他者”的." Pushi Prasad (Business/IA), Murat Yildiz (History), S和amini Ranwalage (英语), 和 Saleema Waraich (艺术历史) - will be speaking about the influence of Said's work in our respective disciplines. This event will begin at 6.30pm after a reception that will begin at 6pm. 


On March 7th at 6 pm in Davis Auditorium, please join us for a screening of LYD, a sci-fi documentary that tells a story of a city that once connected Palestine ot the world - what it once was, what it is now, 和 what it could become. After the screening, there will be a Q 和 A with the film’s directors Rami Younis 和 Sarah Ema Friedl和, moderated by Professor Saleema Waraich. Registration is required.

艺术历史 探索more 是在 February 20th at 6pm in Filene 115. This event allows prospective majors 和 minors to learn more about the department from faculty 和 student representatives. 

Professor Erin Giffin's "Retracing the Home of Mary: Replicas of the Santa Casa di Loreto" lecture on February 13th in Emerson Auditorium at 6pm tracked the evolution of two- 和 three- dimensional recreations of the Santa Casa of the Virgin Mary, a relic structure that supposedly flew with the assistance of angels from the Holy L和 to eastern Italy in the late - thirteenth century. 


Additionally, please browse our lists of past lectures by visiting speakers 和 department faculty.